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Debate Korea Training Program, Oculus


Who is it for?  

  • English Class: KIDA or university students who are familiar with parliamentary debate and active in debate.

  • Korean Class: Both non-affiliated with KIDA societies; Korean university students who are interested in parliamentary debate and KIDA Affiliated University Students. 

What is it?  

  • 2021 Debate Korea 9-week training program to rejuvenate the Korean debate community in preparation for both Worlds and KOLIC! 

  • English Class :  debate intensive training while Korean Class : teaching what parliamentary debate is

Where / When is it?  

  • Sessions will be held on Saturdays from 10AM-12PM VIA ZOOM


  • Registration is all for free

  • Registration forms will go out each week


  • 20~30 Participants, Trainer per max 20 participants

  • Debate Session : First come first serve 3-4 rooms

Through the Oculus program,

We hope the success of this program will bring into fruition of success in the upcoming Korea WUDC 2021 and Korean Language International Debate Championship. Not only does our program foster growth in the Korean debate scene, but it extends to a community of fellowship, so that debaters may garner more educational opportunities, thereby creating new infrastructure and a new era of debate.

Schedule Plan for ENGLISH CLASS

*Please note that the lecture schedule is subject to change. 

Schedule Plan for Korean Class

*Please note that the lecture schedule is subject to change. 

Discover Korea. 2022. All copyrights are reserved.

대표: 오상진  |  등록번호: 591-82-00370  | T 02-6949-4439 | M

경기도 성남시 분당구 판교역로192번길 16, 806호 에이249 

  • 회색 페이스 북 아이콘
  • 회색 인스 타 그램 아이콘
  • 회색 블로거 아이콘
  • 회색 유튜브 아이콘
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