디베이트코리아의 역사를 소개합니다.
디베이트코리아는 2016년에 설립되었지만, 2013년부터 코넬-연세 중고교 영어토론 대항전을 개최하고
다양한 교육 워크샵을 진행하는 등 국내 토론 문화의 발전에 힘 써왔습니다.
Host, 1st Seoul Open
Host, 4th Cornell-Yonsei Debate Invitational
Operational Support, 10th Northeast Asia Open

Operation, 39th Capetown World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) 'Countries Night'
Host, 3rd Debate Korea Open 2019 (Former Seoul Open)
Host, 6th Cornell-Yonsei Debate Invitational
Advisor & Judge, Vietnam VTV7 National Broadcasting System "The Debaters Season 1" audition program
Operation & Program Support, St. Paul Preparatory Seoul Debate Competition
Content Support, English Cooperative Association English Teacher Training Academy
Operation Support, 24th ADS KIDA National Championship (KNC)
Host, 25th KMADC KIDA National Championship (KNC)
Operation Support, 20th World Knowledge Forum
Operation, Debate Korea Education Program

- Establishment, Debate Korea
- Host, 3rd Cornell-Yonsei Debate Invitational
- Host, 19th YUU KIDA National Championship (KNC)



Host, 2nd Seoul Open Debate Competition
Host, 5th Cornell-Yonsei Debate Invitational
Operation Support, 2018 Inter-Korean Summit Press Center
Sponsor, 22nd HYDS KIDA National Championship (KNC)
MOU, 'free use loan contract (NPS Hope Kiwoom Center)' with the National Pension Service
Operation, the 'National Pension Service’s Generation Empathy for New and Youth Discussion' Podcast
Operation Support, MBN Y Forum 2018 Operation Support
Operation, Guro-gu Social Welfare Center Debate Education Program
Operation, Debate Korea Education Program
Operation Support, Hanoi BP
Host,1st Kyunghee International Affairs Tournament (KIAT)
Host Confirmation, 41st Korea World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC)
Operation, 40th Thailand World Universities Debating Championship 'Countries Night'
Establishment, non-profit corporation Discover Korea (Gyeonggi-do, under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Establishment, social venture start-up DK Innovation (selected as a startup package by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
Grand Prize and selected as affiliated company, Chung-Ang University Heukseok Campus Town Startup Competition
Selected as excellent company, Soongsil University Start-up Support Group for Local Industrial Customized Commercialization Support Program
Selected as a resident company in the Sungkyunkwan University Hero Startup Startup Contest
Host, 7th Cornell-Yonsei Debate Invitational
Content & Operational Support, Debate Course for Global Leader Course linked to Local Human Resources Development Institute
Operation, Yonsei University Foreign Language Institute Debate Course
Host, 1st Online KIDA Rookie Tournament
Establish, Debate Korea Institution
Operation & Program Support, 2nd St. Paul Preparatory Seoul Debate Competition
Content & Operational Support , English Cooperative Association English Class
MOU, Yale University to co-host the Yale Model United Nations Asia
Host, Effective Altruism Debate Championship
Operation, Debate Korea Fellowship Program
Host, Pre-World Universities Debating Championship (Pre-WUDC)
Host, 41st Korea World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC)
Co-Host, Yonsei University RC Program ‘Yonsei Debate Open’
Operation Support, 3rd St. Paul Preparatory Seoul Debate Competition
MOU, Advertising Agency ‘Dream Krew’
Host, 2021 Seoul Youth Policy Debate

HELLO NFT! 공동 주최
2022 국제 경제 올림피아드 국가대표 선발전 (KEO) 후원
Indonesia Youth Diplomacy(인도네시아 청년 외교) MOU 체결
제21회 대학생 안보토론대회 후원
2022 KB 솔버톤 대회 주관
예일대학교 모의유엔대회 코리아 2022 주관