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Introduction to WUDC Judge
Training Program

Welcome to the official WUDC 2021 judge training program!

The programme deals with a series of topics which are essential for proper adjudication, but at the same time, suffer from lack of consistency.


In it, we are going to provide a collection of 'from theory to practice' videos that will have adjudication exercises attached on topics that range from fundamental skills such as how to track a debate and do comparisons, to more advanced skills, like panel discussion management.


Each topic, or module, will hopefully be useful for everyone, from beginners who have judged a few tournaments through to those who have judged early outrounds at WUDC. Modules will consist of a combination of theory videos, example videos, notes, and exercises. These resources are designed to be used in conjunction with each other, or with another debate recording elsewhere.

We may give formal credit for those that watch all the videos and complete all the exercises. Newer WUDC judges will get to claim a completion of the course as part of their CV for Worlds. A certification can serve as an equaliser for those that have fewer chances to participate in tournaments and judge with highly trained adjudicators.

Getting Started

Head to our Central Content Hub - Everything is located there!

How can you participate?

Complete each module as it is released

Each module consists of some theory videos, some practical/example videos, and a set of exercises. Completing the exercises contributes towards the certification we mentioned above.​​

Send in suggestions

We cannot guarantee every topic will be chosen but we will try to adjust our content to cover those areas as best we can.


Ask questions

You can do this either by commenting on the videos, or sending them in via our form. We will respond to comments on YouTube (so everyone in the community will be able to see them) and also regularly update a FAQ page for each module.



We will occasionally require volunteers from the community to participate in judging panels, which will be recorded and uploaded for the community. You have to be willing to be recorded, but in exchange you get a real-life chance to participate in a panel with a very experienced chair judge.

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